Sunday, January 24, 2010

New room @ new home!

Expected completion should be this end of the month. Tapi dah agak dah mesti tak boleh punya. Jadi masuk this coming CNY. So the Tiger will enter the new house officially on the first day of the Tiger year.

Secara kebetulan this tiger pilih warna oren untuk bilik dia.
Supposedly the room should paint in red and white. Tapi ramai pulak yang komen bla bla bla.. so end up in orange la!

The colour chart. My room, Ive chose either FF9900 or FF9933

So, masuk-masuk bilik on the right side wall i'll put thise cute wall sticker and drawer untuk mekap-mekap and accessories. It's a girl thing babe!

The built-in wardbrobe should be like this, tapi BANYAK juga yang komen. So my heart like, it's my room, it's mu own budget after all. I've planned it will looks like this.

Lebih kurang like this. Saya nak wardrobe saya tidak berpintu. Pakai some sort like langsir. Kalau rasa boring with the langsir I can change it anytime.Bagus!




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